RuneScape Wiki

The Hoardstalker outfit is a reward from the Sinkholes Distraction and Diversion. It resembles the armour worn by Gorajo. The complete set consists of five pieces; a helm, top, legs, gloves, and boots. There are no requirements to wear the outfit, and it provides no (combat) bonuses. During the same week this set was released the Ramokee outfit was also added to the Squeal of Fortune. Both outfits are Dungeoneering themed.

A piece of this outfit will be added to the reward when a preening ibis card is used in the treasure room. When a player already has the full set and uses a preening ibis card, he or she will not receive a piece of the outfit, but a hoardstalker ring instead. So in that case they may want to leave any preening ibis cards on the floor, so other players can claim the items. This will also prevent them from using cards to steal, which lessens the chance of others stealing your reward, should it be better than theirs.

The pieces of the outfit can be destroyed and reclaimed from Talsar for free. The complete outfit can also be stored in an Armour case in a player-owned house.

