RuneScape Wiki
This talk page is for discussing the Update:Bonus XP Weekend! - 15 March 2010 page.

on the forum, they actually said there has been a problem on the forum

Mod Fnord Jagex Mod

12-Mar-2010 12:51:55

Hi There,

You might find that your multiplier for the Bonus XP weekend is dropping slightly faster than you expected.

From our checking of it it looks like our rounding functions are being a little overzealous. Since we are squaring some figures after the division, it means that this rounding is exacerbated a little.

As such the curve is a little flatter and off from the function by approx 0.15. After a quick chat, we don't want to try to fix this while the event is going on, so we are leaving the curve as is. Sorry if this threw off your calculations for the weekend. The curve will still flatten at 1.1x at approx 10 hours.

This is simply a small error relating to our rounding. Please enjoy the game and the event in the knowledge that it wont be breaking anything.

J1j2j3 23:49, March 12, 2010 (UTC)
