RuneScape Wiki
Stat Restore Pot Share
Stat Restore Pot Share icon
Release date 24 July 2006 (Update)
Members Yes
Level 81
Spellbook Lunar
Type Combat
Experience 84
Runes 2Astral10Earth10Water
Quest Lunar Diplomacy
Stat Restore Pot Share
Click animation for full size

Stat Restore Pot Share is a Lunar spell. When it is cast on any non-barbaric potion that restores (not boosts) stats which is in the caster's inventory, (doesn't work with Prayer renewal potion) it causes the caster to administer 1 dose of the potion to each player (up to 4 if used on a full vial; 6 if used on a full flask) in a 3x3 square area (including standing on the player's square) if they have Accept Aid turned on.

This spell works with prayer, super prayer, restore, super restore, energy, and super energy potions.

As with all Lunar spells, the quest Lunar Diplomacy must be completed to cast this spell. A hidden effect is that doses of potion are only used up on other players, not the caster. This means that if the caster has only 1 dose of potion, they will get the benefit as well as their target, effectively doubling the effectiveness of the potion, making it an invaluable spell for 2 person teams using Prayer or Super Restore potions. Players casting Stat Restore Pot Share purely to gain experience should cast the spell with only one other person so as to maximise the experience.


10Water rune10Earth rune2Astral rune1,260
Combo runes
10Water rune2Astral rune10Dust rune10,930
2Astral rune10Mud rune9,510
10Water rune2Astral rune10Lava rune10,740
10Earth rune2Astral rune10Steam rune11,000
10Earth rune2Astral rune10Mist rune12,640
10Earth rune2Astral runeStaff of water1,010
2Astral runeMud battlestaff830
10Water rune2Astral runeStaff of earth1,080
10Earth rune2Astral runeSteam battlestaff1,010
2Astral runeElemental battlestaff830
2Astral runeMystical staff (75)830
10Water rune2Astral runeLava battlestaff1,080
10Earth rune2Astral runeAvernic wandTome of frost1,010