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Hi all, I am Ozuzanna, formerly known as Ozank - a user who has been on RuneScape Wiki since July 2011. While not being strictly active throughout my time of first joining this wiki, I have recently anchored myself down as I have gotten back into RS and made some valuable edits to the wiki. It's worth noting that I'm an admin on the Old School RS, Answers, MLP and Community Central wikis. Past administration of wikis with varying environments has seasoned me as an experienced editor and adept at using administrator tools. I also have an AWB account here.

Because of the recent hinting from other users, I have decided to nominate myself for admin rights. Should it fail, I will happily take the feedback as positive criticism to hone my wiki skills on this wiki in order to become a better contributor.

I, Ozuzanna, accept this nomination for adminship. I have read the policies concerning administrators. I realise that this nomination may fail. If I do get community consensus, I promise not to abuse my tools because I realise that this is a serious offence. If the community finds that I have done so, my tools will be revoked, and in extreme cases I could be given a community ban. Signed, Ozank Cx 00:38, October 25, 2014 (UTC).

Questions for the nominee

1. What administrative work do you intend to take part in?
Blocking vandals/sockpuppets where appropriate; delete pages i.e. duplicates; editing MediaWiki pages when applicable, amongst other things. Protecting pages, mainly those involved in edit wars, as well as the other general-use admin tools. I have also used revision delete, which I'm aware RSW admins have as a right.

2. What have been your most helpful contributions to the RuneScape Wiki, and why?
Probably my overhauling of strategy pages, which I did do a while ago. Other unique contributions to myself include repairing images, such as here and here, for example; something that I get asked to do which I do not see many other users do. Another thing worth mentioning albeit technically not a "contribution" as in solid edits as such but I have helped weed out socks in Special:Chat, and helping users when I can.

3. Have you been in any conflicts over editing in the past or have other users caused you stress? How have you dealt with it and how will you deal with it in the future?
Yes, I have been subject to continuous harassment in the past by a user (who's now blocked from the wiki). Stress, I don't think so. I did not strictly deal with the harassment as such myself, since the local admins took noticeable action; however I did mainly adhere to ignoring the user in question in order to not escalate the situation any further or bite back (as at that point I did not have any power to stop them). I am admin on other non-RS large wikis (mainly MLP and Community Central in particular) which are community-orientated and I have dealt with conflicts appropriately on those wikis.

4. Should this request be successful, which of the following, if any, do you wish to be added to your account: IRC operator; Clan Chat administrator?
Neither - I'm not in the RSW clan, nor do I frequent the RSW IRC channel.

Additional questions (asked by the community if necessary)

How do we know you won't fly off the handle like at MLP, multiple times? I know from countless conversations with you that your mood can get to you. Are you stable yet? I don't want to see an impromptu desysopping every 3 months. MolMan 01:14, October 25, 2014 (UTC)

Yes I have been "on the edge" one time on the MLP wiki when there was a vendetta was out to get me, but back then I was 2 years younger than I am now and since then I have became a bureaucrat and check user on said wiki, which as you could probably imagine is a firm position to now stand at. I do not plan on flying away from RSW either. I appreciate that point you brought up. Ozank Cx 10:24, October 25, 2014 (UTC)

How will you balance your duties here, at MLP, and at other wikis? Also, have you had any conflicts on other wikis while you were an admin at the time of the conflict(s)? And finally, while this may not be largely relevant, do you think your permanent mute on RuneScape could affect your contributions as an admin (for example, could the time come when you need to talk to someone on RS, but you can't?)? Haidro (talk) 03:17, October 25, 2014 (UTC)

To your first question: my editing on all those wikis nowadays is usually checking recent changes and spotting bad edits/harassment/etc which I then take action against. For RSW, since I'm actively playing the game/topic, I will add details I find as I "go through" them, such as new content, tactics for PvM, etc.
To your second question: yes there was a time when a group of users tried to "game the system" of the wiki such as soliciting votes in their favour in order to get myself and another admin stripped of their rights which was ongoing for a few months or so. Apart from this occasion, there has been a few trolls who have targeted me and made alt accounts to harass.
To your last question: no I do not believe the mute will affect my editing as such. Yes I agree it may look poor and possibly make me look a bad contributor, however I do have an alt account on RS that I use frequently and if should I decide to contact a player in-game, I could easily log in to that account with no issues and chat to said player as it has no restrictions. Ozank Cx 10:24, October 25, 2014 (UTC)

Could you elaborate more on why you feel like you would make good use of the tools? What you wrote in your nomination was fairly generic Ancient talisman Oil4 Talk 10:45, October 25, 2014 (UTC)

Well I find it hard to say how I would make good use of them if I haven't demonstrated them as solid proof prior to it on this wiki. One of the most prominent uses I can see myself doing is taking care of sock puppets in S:C by blocking them. I also see a lot of duplicate files around the time of updates in the recent files uploaded. Apart from that the reasons are probably as mundane as anyone else - but I do know how to use them effectively from my vast experience of them on other wikis, including the use of revision delete. Ozank Cx 10:51, October 25, 2014 (UTC)


Support - Ozuzanna knows his things, he has a lot of administrative knowledge, helps new users, and is a very good pony. User:Jr Mime/Signature 00:42, October 25, 2014 (UTC)

Support from the (ex) answers cabal. Honestly though, I've seen the work they do elsewhere and I think they'll do a great job here :-) Ajraddatz (Talk) 00:49, October 25, 2014 (UTC)

Soft oppose - As helpful as you may have proven on other wikis, your contributions here are more general editing, almost entirely stuff anyone can do. Tools should be given to those who need them, not those who could probably maybe use them. I see talk of antivandalism, protection, deletion, etc., but little on your part in actually doing this stuff in the first place. As much as I think you might know how to use the tools, I don't see a particular reason for you to have them. I'd love to see more contribution from you in the areas you've cited, but, for now, I don't feel swayed that you really need this. Sorry, but these tools would just lie stagnant. MolMan 01:14, October 25, 2014 (UTC)

"I see talk of antivandalism, protection, deletion"
For antivandalism, you'll probably find that on CC here in my contribs where you can see I've rollbacked particular bad edits. This is also occasionally practiced on Answers too, and RSW. Protection and deletion is often used on Answers for bad questions, being that you were an admin there you'd probably know that the admins use such tools to take care of bad questions. I don't prefer using protection as a first resort on the other wikis aforementioned as it should be used sparingly and since every wiki has their own policies, the rate in which I would use it here against another wiki is probably very different. Ozank Cx 10:34, October 25, 2014 (UTC)

Support - Ozzy has a great hospitality towards people and is good to be around with. Predator Drones (talk) 05:17, October 25, 2014 (UTC)
