RuneScape Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Exchange/Off-hand Armadyl crossbow/doc

return {
    itemId     = 34855,
    price      = 3534288,
    last       = 3544307,
    date       = '14:17, October 17, 2017 (UTC)',
    lastDate   = '23:01, October 15, 2017 (UTC)',
    item       = 'Off-hand Armadyl crossbow',
    value      = 40000,
    limit      = 1,
    members    = true,
    category   = 'Range weapons',
    examine    = 'An off-hand crossbow which was once the figurehead of Armadyl\'s army. In one battle, Saradomin managed to take the bows, and now keeps them as a trophy.',
    usage      = {
        'Grand Exchange Market Watch/Ranged'