RuneScape Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Color convert/doc


local p = {}

-- RGB to HSL functions
-- Converts rgb(x,y,z) to HSL
-- x, y, and z are all in the range [0,255]
-- H is in the range [0,360]
-- S and L are in the range [0,100]
function p.rgb_to_hsl(frame)
	local red = tonumber(frame.args[1])
	local green = tonumber(frame.args[2])
	local blue = tonumber(frame.args[3])
	return to_text(p._rgb_to_hsl(red,green,blue),'hsl')

function p._rgb_to_hsl(red,green,blue)
	local hue
	local sat
	local lum
	local r_prime = red/255
	local g_prime = green/255
	local b_prime = blue/255
	local c_max = math.max(r_prime,g_prime,b_prime)
	local c_min = math.min(r_prime,g_prime,b_prime)
	local c_dif = c_max - c_min

	-- Calculate hue
	if c_max == r_prime then
		hue = 60 * math.fmod((g_prime - b_prime)/c_dif,6)
	elseif c_max == g_prime then
		hue = 60 * (((b_prime - r_prime)/c_dif)+2)
	elseif c_max == b_prime then
		hue = 60 * (((r_prime - g_prime)/c_dif)+4)

	-- Calculate lightness/luminosity
	lum = (c_max + c_min)/2

	-- Calculate saturation
	-- Requires lum to be calculated
	if c_dif == 0 then
		sat = 0
		sat = c_dif/(1 - math.abs(2 * lum - 1))

	hue = math.fmod(math.floor(hue)+3600,360)
	sat = math.floor(sat*1000)/10
	lum = math.floor(lum*1000)/10
	return {hue,sat,lum}

-- RGB to Jagex's HSL functions
-- Converts rgb(x,y,z) to jHSL
-- x, y, and z are all in the range [0,255]
-- H is in the range [0,63]
-- S is in the range [0,7]
-- L in in the range [0,127]
-- Piggy backs on the standard rgb to HSL functions

function p.rgb_to_jagex(frame)
	local red = tonumber(frame.args[1])
	local green = tonumber(frame.args[2])
	local blue = tonumber(frame.args[3])
	return to_text(p._rgb_to_jagex(red,green,blue),'jagex')

function p._rgb_to_jagex(red,green,blue)
	local args = p._rgb_to_hsl(red,green,blue)
	local hue = math.floor((args[1] / 360) * 65)
	local sat = math.floor((args[2] / 100) * 7)
	local lum = math.floor((args[3] / 100) * 170)
	return {hue,sat,lum}

function p.jagex_to_rgb(frame)
	local hue = tonumber(frame.args[1])
	local sat = tonumber(frame.args[2])
	local lum = tonumber(frame.args[3])
	return to_text(p._jagex_to_rgb(hue,sat,lum),'rgb')

function p._jagex_to_rgb(hue,sat,lum)
	hue = (hue/65)*360
	sat = (sat/7)*100
	lum = (lum/170)*100
	return p._hsl_to_rgb(hue,sat,lum)

-- HSL to rgb funcions
-- Converts HSL to rgb(x,y,z)
-- x, y, and z are all in the range [0,255]
-- H is in the range [0,63]
-- S is in the range [0,7]
-- L in in the range [0,127]

function p.hsl_to_rgb(frame)
	local hue = tonumber(frame.args[1])
	local sat = tonumber(frame.args[2])
	local lum = tonumber(frame.args[3])
	return to_text(p._hsl_to_rgb(hue,sat,lum),'rgb')

function p._hsl_to_rgb(hue,sat,lum)
	sat = sat/100
	lum = lum/100
	local a = sat * (1 - math.abs(2 * lum - 1))
	local b = a * (1 - math.abs(math.fmod(hue / 60,2) - 1))
	local c = lum - (a/2)
	local ab_args
	local form = {
		[1] = {a,b,0}, -- 0 <= H < 60
		[2] = {b,a,0}, -- 60 <= H < 120
		[3] = {0,a,b}, -- 120 <= H < 180
		[4] = {0,b,a}, -- 180 <= H < 240
		[5] = {b,0,a}, -- 240 <= H < 300
		[6] = {a,0,b}  -- 300 >= H < 360
	if hue >= 0 and hue < 60 then
		ab_args = form[1]
	elseif hue >= 60 and hue < 120 then
		ab_args = form[2]
	elseif hue >= 120 and hue < 180 then
		ab_args = form[3]
	elseif hue >= 180 and hue < 240 then
		ab_args = form[4]
	elseif hue >= 240 and hue < 300 then
		ab_args = form[5]
	elseif hue >= 300 then
		ab_args = form[6]
	local r = math.floor(255*(ab_args[1]+c))
	local g = math.floor(255*(ab_args[2]+c))
	local b = math.floor(255*(ab_args[3]+c))
	return {r,g,b}

-- RGB to/from HEX functions
-- Converts HSL to rgb(x,y,z)
-- x, y, and z are all in the range [0,255]
-- HEX values are all in the range [0x00,0xFF]

function p.rgb_to_hex(frame)
	local red = tonumber(frame.args[1])
	local green = tonumber(frame.args[2])
	local blue = tonumber(frame.args[3])
	return to_text(p._rgb_to_hex(red,green,blue),'hex')

function p._rgb_to_hex(red,green,blue)
	red = dec_to_hex(red)
	green = dec_to_hex(green)
	blue = dec_to_hex(blue)
	return {red,green,blue}

function p.hex_to_rgb(frame)
	local color = frame.args[1]
	local red = string.sub(color,1,2)
	local green = string.sub(color,3,4)
	local blue = string.sub(color,5,6)
	return to_text(p._hex_to_rgb(red,green,blue),'rgb')

function p._hex_to_rgb(red,green,blue)
	red = hex_to_dec(red)
	green = hex_to_dec(green)
	blue = hex_to_dec(blue)
	return {red,green,blue}

-- Base conversion
-- Short and nonspecific for efficiency
local nums = '0123456789ABCDEF'

function hex_to_dec(hex)
	hex = hex:upper()
	local d1 = nums:find(string.sub(hex,1,1),1,true) - 1
	local d2 = nums:find(string.sub(hex,-1),1,true) - 1
	local dec = d1 * 16 + d2
	return dec

function dec_to_hex(dec)
	local d1 = math.floor(dec/16) + 1
	local d2 = math.fmod(dec,16) + 1
	return string.sub(nums,d1,d1)..string.sub(nums,d2,d2)

-- HEX to and from HSL
-- Piggybacks on the HEX/RGB and RGB/HEX functions

function p.hex_to_hsl(frame)
	local color = frame.args[1]
	local red = string.sub(color,1,2)
	local green = string.sub(color,3,4)
	local blue = string.sub(color,5,6)
	local rgbcolor = p._hex_to_rgb(red,green,blue)
	red = rgbcolor[1]
	green = rgbcolor[2]
	blue = rgbcolor[3]
	return to_text(p._rgb_to_hsl(red,green,blue),'hsl')

function p.hsl_to_hex(frame)
	local hue = tonumber(frame.args[1])
	local sat = tonumber(frame.args[2])
	local lum = tonumber(frame.args[3])
	local rgbcolor = p._hsl_to_rgb(hue,sat,lum)
	local red = rgbcolor[1]
	local green = rgbcolor[2]
	local blue = rgbcolor[3]
	return to_text(p._rgb_to_hex(red,green,blue),'hex')

function p.hex_to_jagex(frame)
	local color = frame.args[1]
	local red = string.sub(color,1,2)
	local green = string.sub(color,3,4)
	local blue = string.sub(color,5,6)
	local rgbcolor = p._hex_to_rgb(red,green,blue)
	red = rgbcolor[1]
	green = rgbcolor[2]
	blue = rgbcolor[3]
	return to_text(p._rgb_to_jagex(red,green,blue),'jagex')

function p.jagex_to_hex(frame)
	local hue = tonumber(frame.args[1])
	local sat = tonumber(frame.args[2])
	local lum = tonumber(frame.args[3])
	local rgbcolor = p._jagex_to_rgb(hue,sat,lum)
	local red = rgbcolor[1]
	local green = rgbcolor[2]
	local blue = rgbcolor[3]
	return to_text(p._rgb_to_hex(red,green,blue),'hex')

function p._jagex_to_hex(hue,sat,lum)
	local rgbcolor = p._jagex_to_rgb(hue,sat,lum)
	local red = rgbcolor[1]
	local green = rgbcolor[2]
	local blue = rgbcolor[3]
	return to_text(p._rgb_to_hex(red,green,blue),'hex')

-- Standardizes return values as a string
function to_text(c_args,form)
	local formats = {
		['hsl'] = 'Hue: '..c_args[1]..' Saturation: '..c_args[2]..' Luminosity: '..c_args[3],
		['rgb'] = 'Red: '..c_args[1]..' Green: '..c_args[2]..' Blue: '..c_args[3],
		['jagex'] = 'Hue: '..c_args[1]..' Saturation: '..c_args[2]..' Luminosity: '..c_args[3],
		['hex'] = c_args[1]..c_args[2]..c_args[3]
	return formats[form]

return p