RuneScape Wiki
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Larsa was removed after an update.
The contents of this page no longer exist in RuneScape, and this article is kept for historical purposes.

Larsa chathead

Larsa is the representative of the werewolves and vampyres of Morytania at the Gielinor Games. She represents the god Zamorak. She is the second werewolf to use new graphics, along with the gold runner, after Scrambles, although players turn into updated wolves during the Werewolf Transformation as well.


  • It is unknown how Larsa, a werewolf, got past the River Salve considering that it is supposed to be unpassable by unholy creatures. (e.g. werewolves, vampyres and all other Morytanian creatures.)
  • When asking her how she got past the River Salve, she says, "Ha! Now, now human - that would be telling."
  • When wearing the ring of charos, Larsa still calls you a human.