RuneScape Wiki

Ranged training dummy detail

The ranged training dummy is a dummy won off of Treasure Hunter from the Treasure Hunter – Elite Training Dummies update.

When deployed, it'll place a ranged training dummy onto the ground. It can be placed down in most locations, excluding banks, the wilderness and or certain minigames.

The dummy can be attacked and destroyed up to 5 times. Each time the dummy is destroyed players receive a certain amount of Constitution experience, as well as experience in Ranged. Once it has been defeated 5 times, the dummy is permanently destroyed, meaning that players must place another one down. Killing the dummy a fifth time provides an extra amount of experience.

The dummy can be attacked by other players as well. If they do they can deal up to 10% of the damage necessary to kill it and receive 10% of the experience that they would have gained if they had owned it. The experience is given once the owner has defeated the dummy. Experience gained from the dummy is scaled to the attacker's current combat level and is based on whatever combat style is chosen. At level 99 Ranged, players will receive 12,000 Ranged experience. It has 100,000 life points. The maximum combat level for a dummy is 99. If the owner is not doing any damage to the dummy, other players cannot do damage.

The dummies have a few restrictions:

  • Abilities that affect multiple tiles or multiple targets do not work on them.
  • Attacks that drain life do not work.
  • Summoning familiars cannot damage the dummies
  • The dwarven multicannon does not work on the dummies.
  • Dummies cannot be placed directly next to each other.
  • Poison does not work.
  • Players will not gain any item experience for augmented weapons or armour.

Ranged training dummies, like all other combat training dummies, can be converted at a 3:2 ratio into other combat training dummies.
