RuneScape Wiki
Buying Feather of Ma'at
Profit per instance
Buying feathers of Ma'at
164,700 per instance
Activity time
2 minutes
Minimum recurrence time
24 hours
Effective profit
4,942,400 per hour
Skill requirements Quest requirements
None Icthlarin's Little Helper
Item requirements Other requirements
Sophanem Slayer Dungeon teleport recommended None
Experience gained Inputs
None 1,500,000 Coins Coins
Location Outputs
Sophanem Slayer Dungeon 1,000 x Feather of Ma'at Feather of Ma'at (1,671,000)
Feathers of Ma'at are required to kill Slayer monsters in the Sophanem Slayer Dungeon. Every day 1000 feathers can be bought for 1500 coins each from the Menaphite guard outside the dungeon. The fastest way to reach the guard is by using a Sophanem Slayer Dungeon teleport which teleports the player outside the dungeon and immediately next to the guard. If the player wishes not to use a teleportation tablet, the guard can be reached by teleporting to the lodestone in Menaphos and crossing the bridge to Sophanem. This requires completion if Jack of Spades and Contact!

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