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The Fletching skill is used in the creation of bows, arrows, and staves from branches obtained in Daemonheim.


Bow Level
Experience gained
Experience gained
Experience gained
Tangle gum shortbow Tangle gum shortbow 1 Fletching 5 5 10
Tangle gum longbow Tangle gum longbow 6 Fletching 5.7 5.7 11.4
Seeping elm shortbow Seeping elm shortbow 11 Fletching 9 9 18
Seeping elm longbow Seeping elm longbow 16 Fletching 10.3 10.3 20.6
Blood spindle shortbow Blood spindle shortbow 21 Fletching 15 15 30
Blood spindle longbow Blood spindle longbow 26 Fletching 17.2 17.2 34.4
Utuku shortbow Utuku shortbow 31 Fletching 23 23 46
Utuku longbow Utuku longbow 36 Fletching 26.4 26.4 52.8
Spinebeam shortbow Spinebeam shortbow 41 Fletching 33 33 66
Spinebeam longbow Spinebeam longbow 46 Fletching 37.9 37.9 75.8
Bovistrangler shortbow Bovistrangler shortbow 51 Fletching 45 45 90
Bovistrangler longbow Bovistrangler longbow 56 Fletching 51.7 51.7 103.4
Thigat shortbow Thigat shortbow (m) 61 Fletching 59 59 118
Thigat longbow Thigat longbow (m) 66 Fletching 67.8 67.8 135.6
Corpsethorn shortbow Corpsethorn shortbow (m) 71 Fletching 75 75 150
Corpsethorn longbow Corpsethorn longbow (m) 76 Fletching 86.2 86.2 172.4
Entgallow shortbow Entgallow shortbow (m) 81 Fletching 93 93 186
Entgallow longbow Entgallow longbow (m) 86 Fletching 106.9 106.9 213.8
Grave creeper shortbow Grave creeper shortbow (m) 91 Fletching 113 113 226
Grave creeper longbow Grave creeper longbow (m) 96 Fletching 129.9 129.9 259.8
  • Note: (m) signifies members-only items


When fletching arrows in Dungeoneering, you will always get regular arrow shafts no matter what branch they are fletch from. What differs is the number of shafts that are received. You gain 0.3 experience per shaft, no matter from which branch they are made.

Branch type Level
Number of
shafts made
per shaft
Tangle gum branches Tangle gum branches 1 Fletching 4.5 15 15
Seeping elm branches Seeping elm branches 10 Fletching 6.3 21 28.6
Blood spindle branches Blood spindle branches 20 Fletching 7.8 26 63.5
Utuku branches Utuku branches 30 Fletching 9.6 32 117.2
Spinebeam branches Spinebeam branches 40 Fletching 11.1 37 212.8
Bovistrangler branches Bovistrangler branches 50 Fletching 12.9 43 290.7
Thigat branches Thigat branches (m) 60 Fletching 14.4 48 468.8
Corpsethorn branches Corpsethorn branches (m) 70 Fletching 16.2 54 648.1
Entgallow branches Entgallow branches (m) 80 Fletching 17.7 59 1016.9
Grave creeper branches Grave creeper branches (m) 90 Fletching 19.5 65 1807.7
Arrow type Level
gained (15 tips)
Cost per XP
(15 tips & feathers)
Novite arrows 5 Novite arrows 1 Fletching 19.5 24.8
Bathus arrows 5 Bathus arrows 11 Fletching 37.5 36.4
Marmaros arrows 5 Marmaros arrows 22 Fletching 75 41.2
Kratonite arrows 5 Kratonite arrows 33 Fletching 112.5 44.8
Fractite arrows 5 Fractite arrow 44 Fletching 150 61.6
Zephyrium arrows 5 Zephyrium arrows 55 Fletching 187.5 71.5
Argonite arrows 5 Argonite arrows (m) 66 Fletching 225 89.4
Katagon arrows 5 Katagon arrows (m) 77 Fletching 262.5 101.3
Gorgonite arrows 5 Gorgonite arrows (m) 88 Fletching 300 144.1
Promethium arrows 5 Promethium arrows (m) 99 Fletching 337.5 226.9


To fletch staves the player must use a knife to a set of branches, and choose a staff from the options interface. The branches can be bought from the Smuggler, or cut from the trees found creeping up the walls in the dungeon, if the player has the required woodcutting level. The branches shown on the list can be made to any staff available from lower level branches.

To imbue the staff into a catalytic staff or empowered catalytic staff, the player must use the staff to the runecrafting altar. Unlike elemental staves, a catalytic staff does not provide runes, but offers a magic damage bonus.

Branches Staff Fletching level Runecrafting Product
Tangle gum branches Tangle gum branches Tangle gum staff Tangle gum staff 8 Fletching None
Seeping elm branches Seeping elm branches Seeping elm staff Seeping elm staff 18 Fletching None
Blood spindle branches Blood spindle branches Blood spindle staff Blood spindle staff 28 Fletching None
Utuku branches Utuku branches Utuku staff Utuku staff 38 Fletching None
Spinebeam branches Spinebeam branches Spinebeam staff Spinebeam staff 48 Fletching Catalytic staff Catalytic staff
Bovistrangler branches Bovistrangler branches Bovistrangler staff Bovistrangler staff 58 Fletching Catalytic staff Catalytic staff
Thigat branches Thigat branches Thigat staff Thigat staff (m) 68 Fletching Catalytic staff Catalytic staff
Corpsethorn branches Corpsethorn branches Corpsethorn staff Corpsethorn staff (m) 78 Fletching Catalytic staff Catalytic staff
Entgallow branches Entgallow branches Entgallow staff Entgallow staff (m) 88 Fletching Catalytic staff Catalytic staff
Grave creeper branches Grave creeper branches Grave creeper staff Grave creeper staff (m) 98 Fletching Empowered catalytic staff Empowered catalytic staff


To fletch traps in Daemonheim, you must be raiding a dungeon on complexity level 5 or 6.

To make ranged gear, you will need to skin a bovimastyx: a docile, cow-like creature that paces about Daemonheim. There are two methods of doing this: the first is by simply killing it, but this will only ever produce one usable hide; the second is by hunting it, using a fletched trap to snare the bovimastyx.

To make a trap, you will only need a branch and a knife (branches can be gained by woodcutting in Daemonheim, a knife can be bought from the Smuggler). Having used the knife on the branches, you will be given the opportunity to fletch a trap, as long as you have the Fletching level required to make it.

Traps Level Experience
Tangle gum trap 3 Fletching 12
Sleeping elm trap 13 Fletching 21.6
Blood spindle trap 23 Fletching 36
Utuku trap 33 Fletching 55.2
Spinebeam trap 43 Fletching 79.2
Bovistrangler trap 53 Fletching 108
Thigat trap (m) 63 Fletching 141.6
Corpsethorn trap (m) 73 Fletching 180
Entgallow trap (m) 83 Fletching 223.2
Grave creeper trap (m) 93 Fletching 271.2