RuneScape Wiki
This is a dynamic calculator that requires Javascript.
This takes user input via Javascript, and may use changing prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch.
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 template = Template:Calculator/Combat level
 form = combatCalcForm
 result = combatCalcResult
 param     = playername|Player name||hs|attack,1,1;strength,3,1;ranged,5,1;magic,7,1;defence,2,1;constitution,4,1;prayer,6,1;summoning,24,1
 param = attack|Attack|1|int|1-99
 param = strength|Strength|1|int|1-99
 param = ranged|Ranged|1|int|1-99
 param = magic|Magic|1|int|1-99
 param = defence|Defence|1|int|1-99
 param = constitution|Constitution|10|int|10-99
 param = prayer|Prayer|1|int|1-99
 param = summoning|Summoning|1|int|0-99
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  • Checking that you have JavaScript enabled in your browser
  • Checking your custom JavaScript does not interfere with the calculator script in any way